• introducing

    The Blue

    Vestibulum aliquet, odio at gravida tristique, tellus enim faucibus
    libero, ut lobortis massa purus fermentum nisl. Vivamus pharetra

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  • latest freebie

    Custom Line Icons

  • Custom Typography

    Beautiful Web Type

    Sed tincidunt lacus sed velit elementum, quis feugiat purus iaculis. Cras eget fringilla arcu, vel porta enim. Maecenas malesuada libero vel justo fermentum blandit velit elementum.

  • small title

    Branding Design

    Sed tincidunt lacus sed velit elementum, quis feugiat purus iaculis. Cras eget fringilla arcu, vel porta enim. Maecenas malesuada libero vel justo fermentum blandit. Etiam pretium tortor vitae dolor convallis bibendum.

    View Our Work
Cecile Williams - Designer, Flash Animator, Action Script Guru

Cecile Williams - Designer, Flash Animator, Action Script Guru

Designer, Flash Animator, Action Script, PHP, Wordpress

Unlimited Sidebars

Unlimited Sidebars

The theme comes with a dynamic sidebar generation functionality.

Custom Typography

Custom Typography

Friendly user interface to implement the default web-safe fonts and Google API Fonts.

Translation Ready

Translation Ready

We have included .po file for translation of all the built-in (front-end) words in the theme.

Multiple Blog Layouts

Multiple Blog Layouts

Standard, full-width, two columns masonry, three columns masonry and two columns with sidebar.

WooCommerce Support

WooCommerce Support

Story comes with WooCommerce support, with custom designs and an AJAX Shopping Cart.

Extensive Documentation

Extensive Documentation

Detailed documentation, which includes examples, screenshots and all the main instructions.

Mega Menu

Mega Menu

Out of the box mega menu support, you can easily activate a mega menu per parent menu item.

Retina Dispaly

Retina Dispaly

Retina display optimizations for all the main graphics used in the theme's design.

Parallax Slides And Sections

Parallax Slides And Sections

Parallax effects in content slider, full-width background sections, services boxes animations.

Advanced Content Editor

Advanced Content Editor

Unique set of buttons that allows you to directly insert the various elements into your content editor.

Unlimited Colors

Unlimited Colors

Change all the main theme colors, such as header, main content, sidebar, footer or text colors.

Responsive Design

Responsive Design

The theme fits and looks great on different screens and devices – desktop, mobile and tablets.

Custom Headers

Custom Headers

Select a background image, image opacity, custom colors and custom page title/subtitle.

Advanced AJAX Gallery

Advanced AJAX Gallery

Seven item types, masonry layouts, multiple columns, partial loading, unlimited gallery pages

Fullscreen Slider

Fullscreen Slider

Tell your story on a full canvas with our customizable and flexible fullscreen slider

Customer Support

Customer Support

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software

Free Delivery

Free Delivery

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software

Secure Connection

Secure Connection

Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software

User Friendly

User Friendly

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Award Winning

Award Winning

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Plug and Play

Plug and Play

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.



Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Unlimited Colors

Unlimited Colors

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Useful Support

Useful Support

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Smart Admin

Smart Admin

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Eco Friendly

Eco Friendly

Aliquam non congue lacus. Donec dignissim tempus cursus.

Fine Art

Fine Art

Cras felis magna, ultrices et egestas sed, volutpat sed eros grande sapien.



Cras felis magna, ultrices et egestas sed, volutpat sed eros grande sapien.

Black & White

Black & White

Cras felis magna, ultrices et egestas sed, volutpat sed eros grande sapien.

Michael White

Michael White

Lisa Kimberly

Lisa Kimberly

John Harris

John Harris

Elizabeth Brown

Elizabeth Brown

Web Site Development

Web Site Development

See our portfolio of other Websites that we have developed.



Need some shots for your website or just for a portrait or special occasion? Let us know!

E-Learning Projects

E-Learning Projects

Do you have the desire to make your live education ready for the web? Contact us for a reasonable quote today!

Web Dev Tools - WordPress, HTML5, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap

Web Dev Tools - WordPress, HTML5, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap

Depending on your need, we have the right tools for you. We develop responsive, multi or single page, parallax, Word Press, Flash and HTML 5/CSS web sites.

Tech Market Assessments for Business Dev.

Tech Market Assessments for Business Dev.

Through this process, we work with you to help you find your market, develop the outreach and plan for sustainability.

Logos and Marketing

Logos and Marketing

From Logo development to branding to SEO and E-Commerce we build your solution.

Photography and other tools

Photography and other tools

We have extensive experience in nature photography, e-learning and game/applications development. Contact us today!

Joshua Nelson - Principal

Joshua Nelson - Principal

Principal, Designer, Web and Applications Developer and Manager, Luminate Online. (HTML 5, CSS, WordPress, jQuery, Java Script).

Eric Kidd - Kidd Software LLC - Expert in Large Scale Applications

Eric Kidd - Kidd Software LLC - Expert in Large Scale Applications

Web Applications, Ruby, C++, Large Scale Online Programs

William Brown - Data Guru

William Brown - Data Guru

Filemaker, Big Data experience, Reporting, SQL, Luminate Online, Six Sigma Black Belt, Data Analytics with JMP (SAS), R, and Quickbooks Online

Josh Page

Josh Page

Senior Industrial Design Engineer / Simbex/TREAT

I have worked with Joshua Nelson for several years on numerous development programs ranging from new product design, software development, and strategy. Josh is a dear friend and ally. Josh Nelson is a great listener and communicator with the empathy and expertise to translate client needs into actionable development pathways. Josh has proven time and again that the careful consideration and placement of a human touch to technology development bares the greatest outcomes.

Susan Wills

Susan Wills

Administrator / C. Everett Koop Institute

Joshua's work with us was inspired. Not only did he provide excellent leadership and teaching through a complex process, but he also has been incredibly responsive over the years as we have tried to update and keep the project that he spear headed - Fall Down Brown, alive. It has been a pleasure to work with him.

Not only does he (Joshua) reliably bring order from chaos, but he also projects a strong drama neutralization field, creating a sphere of calm and focus in the face of stressful situations. If he weren't doing project management and web development work, he should probably be a diplomat.

Christof Daetwyler

Christof Daetwyler

MD, Professor / Drexel University

It was a pleasure working with Joshua Nelson. His organization skills, team building skills, and creativity in the finding of solutions are excellent. If you need an Product (Web) Developer or Manager who can cover all the day to day work, but aside needs to be able to deal with the unexpected, Joshua Nelson would be my choice.

Web Dev Tools - WordPress, HTML5, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap

Web Dev Tools - WordPress, HTML5, CSS, Java Script, Bootstrap

Depending on your need, we have the right tools for you. We develop responsive, multi or single page, parallax, Word Press, Flash and HTML 5/CSS web sites.

Tech Market Assessments for Business Dev.

Tech Market Assessments for Business Dev.

Through this process, we work with you to help you find your market, develop the outreach and plan for sustainability.

Logos and Marketing

Logos and Marketing

From Logo development to branding to SEO and E-Commerce we build your solution.

Photography and other tools

Photography and other tools

We have extensive experience in nature photography, e-learning and game/applications development. Contact us today!

why work with us

Creative People That Make Awesome Things

get in touch