Josh Page
Senior Industrial Design Engineer / Simbex/TREATI have worked with Joshua Nelson for several years on numerous development programs ranging from new product design, software development, and strategy. Josh is a dear friend and ally. Josh Nelson is a great listener and communicator with the empathy and expertise to translate client needs into actionable development pathways. Josh has proven time and again that the careful consideration and placement of a human touch to technology development bares the greatest outcomes.

Susan Wills
Administrator / C. Everett Koop InstituteJoshua's work with us was inspired. Not only did he provide excellent leadership and teaching through a complex process, but he also has been incredibly responsive over the years as we have tried to update and keep the project that he spear headed - Fall Down Brown, alive. It has been a pleasure to work with him.

Mark Noel
Managing Director / Professional Services at Catalyst Repository SystemsNot only does he (Joshua) reliably bring order from chaos, but he also projects a strong drama neutralization field, creating a sphere of calm and focus in the face of stressful situations. If he weren't doing project management and web development work, he should probably be a diplomat.

Christof Daetwyler
MD, Professor / Drexel UniversityIt was a pleasure working with Joshua Nelson. His organization skills, team building skills, and creativity in the finding of solutions are excellent. If you need an Product (Web) Developer or Manager who can cover all the day to day work, but aside needs to be able to deal with the unexpected, Joshua Nelson would be my choice.

Josh Page
Senior Industrial Design Engineer / Simbex/TREATI have worked with Joshua Nelson for several years on numerous development programs ranging from new product design, software development, and strategy. Josh is a dear friend and ally. Josh Nelson is a great listener and communicator with the empathy and expertise to translate client needs into actionable development pathways. Josh has proven time and again that the careful consideration and placement of a human touch to technology development bares the greatest outcomes.

Susan Wills
Administrator / C. Everett Koop InstituteJoshua's work with us was inspired. Not only did he provide excellent leadership and teaching through a complex process, but he also has been incredibly responsive over the years as we have tried to update and keep the project that he spear headed - Fall Down Brown, alive. It has been a pleasure to work with him.

Mark Noel
Managing Director / Professional Services at Catalyst Repository SystemsNot only does he (Joshua) reliably bring order from chaos, but he also projects a strong drama neutralization field, creating a sphere of calm and focus in the face of stressful situations. If he weren't doing project management and web development work, he should probably be a diplomat.

Christof Daetwyler
MD, Professor / Drexel UniversityIt was a pleasure working with Joshua Nelson. His organization skills, team building skills, and creativity in the finding of solutions are excellent. If you need an Product (Web) Developer or Manager who can cover all the day to day work, but aside needs to be able to deal with the unexpected, Joshua Nelson would be my choice.
Elizabeth Brown
Manager / EnvatoDuis vel ullamcorper mauris, eu pretium felis. Duis gravida laoreet velit. Cras lobortis pellentesque nibh, id venenatis nisi. Pellentesque id erat faucibus lorem sagittis faucibus. Vivamus id est mattis, venenatis, pretium nulla.

Susan Wills
Administrator / C. Everett Koop InstituteJoshua's work and leadership with us was inspired. Not only did he bring technical expertise and teaching to really complex problems, but he has been strong force for helping us with our marketing for the Smokey Lies project. We are very thankful for his time and effort.